Needle felt foods

Hi again guys,

Sorry for the extensive time off the website, lot’s of stuff going on. Anyway back to needle felt.

Well, today I’ve got some foods which I made out of needle felt.

First we’ve got half an avocado.File 2-06-2016, 12 18 49 PM It’s very small and very hard to make however the end result is awesome.

Second we’ve got half an apple which was a lot easier!File 2-06-2016, 12 17 55 PM

There is a very strange story about how felt was first made. It was done ages ago. Two men had escaped from prison and were running from the law. To stop getting blisters on their feet they stuffed a lot of wool in their sandals. By the time they had reached their destination all the rubbing, heat and sweat had turned the wool into socks! Very strange story!

Hope you enjoyed this blog.



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